Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Road Not To Be Traveled Alone

This road of faith is not one to be traveled alone.  As Luke 10:1 tells us, Jesus sent the bearers of His" good news" in pairs.  This was true then as it is true today.

We cannot “go it alone” in this world, if we want to be successful in carrying out our mission of spreading the “good news” of Jesus Christ - for Jesus warned them in Luke 10:3, “I am sending you like lambs among wolves”.  So what is a lamb to do without companions on the journey who “got your back”, surely not much.  A wolf is a cunning and powerful animal that would have no problem “taking out” a lone lamb.  Bottom-line, we need companionship in this journey of faith.

Your spouse, family members can be the perfect companions for the journey.  Also, we can find companions for the journey in our church, local prayer groups or even our local Cursillo Ultreya (hint).  

Regardless, don't "go it alone" here on earth.  In Christ we are one body, "make a friend, be a friend, and protect that friend in Christ from the wolves" - as if your life depended upon it. 

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