It is interesting how people will ask you for some bit of
information about yourself in order for them to, as they believe, define who
you are in relation to them – basically, friend or foe, comrade or combatant, colleague
or competitor, etc. I believe it is a mechanism we've cooked up to convince ourselves we are going about the task of relationship
building in a proper, logical and intelligent manner.
However, I personally believe it’s all a bunch of malarkey. Are
you a Democrat or a Republican, do you support this or that, what school did
you graduate from, sports fan, like music, do you invest…, do you watch…, did
you read…, did you hear about…, what do you think about…, how much do you know
about…, etc., etc., etc.
Do you really want to know who I am? OK. I am
a follower, right…not a fan, of Jesus Christ…period. Everything else takes a back seat to that
defining characteristic – including husband, father, son, friend, employee,
neighbor, and all around good egg. So
what is YOUR next question?