Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Being humble, does that sound appealing to you?  What does it mean to you?  Is humility an attitude of weakness or strength?  Do you humble yourself or do you lead with pride?  Humility sounds like a nice idea but at the end of the day do you trust in being heard, loud, boastful, and confident in your own abilities?  Are you making your place/mark in the world?  Do you value your humility or the humility of your children? 

If you can understand that everything we have (that’s everything…think about it) is God given, then humility is simply a natural response to that belief.  However, real humility is not something found in those who believe/trust in themselves or their own abilities.  If I truly believe that I am the center of my universe, that my life, my body is simply the evolution of happenstance, then I should boast in what I do.  For it was I, in every sense, that made things happen - maybe I’d give a few kudos to my forefathers for good gene’s or a nice inheritance.

But, if you do believe in God then you know, He instructs/commands/teaches us to be humble.  For God has said, He will exalt the humble and will humble the exalted.  So maybe it’s time we took out our Bibles and did a little research on the subject of being humble.  You’ll thank God you did! 

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