Where to begin? Communication is the best place to start. It's a big subject but it is nevertheless the best place to begin my blog (my written words).
Words enable us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, experiences, and many other things to others. When we communicate we hope the person, we are trying to communicate with, receives and understands the message. When a message is directed at us we can either choose to listen or not. Messages can be misunderstood, require further clarification, etc. etc etc. but I am not going to bore you with any further details about communication. Instead, I want to say, in very simple terms, our ability to communicate, in all of its manifestations, is a God given gift, that needs to used in a manner that reflects this belief. If you don't...move on to the next blog.
Through this blog, God willing, I can communicate to you, my brothers and sisters, a message that reflects His beauty and goodness. Though I am a cracked and crumbling vessel, like everyone else, I will try my best to let His light shine. And I would ask you to try and do the same. This blog is not about you or me, this blog is about trusting God and doing His work - to love one another. Let us not lose this purpose and direction. True hope is in God...let us begin His work...fear not...for we are one in His Spirit! Rejoice for He loves us and dwells with us...what treasure is greater than this!