Tuesday, October 23, 2012


When I was only a young boy in a Catholic grade school in Philadelphia, possibly in sixth, seventh or eighth grade, our teacher, a nun, played for us a newsreel on an old reel to reel projector.  The newsreel was a documentary on the liberation, by American soldiers, of a nazi concentration camp.  It’s was either in the late 60’s or earlier 70’s when I was between the ages of 11-14 years old.

As a child, in those days, I had watched plenty of scary movies with Hollywood monsters like; Frankenstein, Wolfman, and Dracula, and even though they scared me a little I knew they were only make believe.  However, what I saw from that projector that day, horrified me beyond anything I had ever seen before; emaciated bodies, expressionless faces, of men, women, and children who were apparently treated worse than animals.  These were the lucky ones; they had escaped certain execution from the gas chambers, firing squad or whatever other method of execution the nazi’s had cooked up.  Then the image, that is forever burnt into my conscience, of a bulldozer pushing a pile of dead, emaciated bodies into a big hole in the ground.   A feeling of horror came first, and then a sickening feeling began to grow in the pit of my stomach, and finally this evil malaise extended throughout my body.  It was then, that I felt as if my life, was a nightmare, that I was just awoken into.  The Hollywood monsters were nothing compared to these real life monsters that perpetrated this evil.

Nothing in my life seemed the same to me after that.  I now realized that I lived in a world where everyday people could do this to other people – to me and my family.  I did not wish to live here anymore.  I wanted our family to get away, as fast as possible from this house of horrors.  What a childish thought.  The petty issues, rivalries, competitions, strivings, pride, egotisms, bullying, vanities, and every other type of BS that goes with this modern lifestyle just seemed to exacerbate my desire to simply disappear from this cruel world.  I didn't want to play the game anymore.

It was then I realized too, there was no escape, this was the reality of my life, of everybodys life, and I simply had to push forward and live my life, just like everybody else, in the manner my experiences taught me to - SURVIVE.   I did not despair I learned to ignore.  Over time though, you can only ignore for so long.  At some point you will come face-to-face with the bad elements in this life.  What then was the answer to facing the bad element?

War.  That word has haunted me ever since.  War.  The final solution when all other solutions fail.  War.  That, which kills, wounds, cripples millions of people in order that others may live – so they may have children – in order that they may kill or be killed, someday, so that others may live – so forth and so on.  War.  War.  War.  It was simply an integral and natural part of life like having children, going to school, or having a job.   War.  It is what we as humans have been perfecting for thousands of years.  It is not to be questioned or feared…it is our fate…kill or be killed…that is the hand we have been dealt.

On the other hand, acts of kindness, lending a hand, sacrificing and serving others, giving your time, talent and treasures to build the city of God, this is what Jesus taught us to do – to follow.  This is how we find peace – in a world filled with war.  Not through strength of arms but through the strength of our faith.  True peace comes from God.  This present world is not to be feared.  Instead our focus is on love – our love of God, our families, friends and those who have been misled by this broken world.   His peace will come to you, if you repent of your sins, love and follow Him.

May His peace be with you!